January is the month where we aspire to create the best version of ourselves for the year that lies ahead. There is nothing quite motivating like a 30-day challenge to propel you into your goals and best self. Veganuary has many benefits such as boosting your health, teaching discipline and creating awareness on how our diets impact the environment. This is why Veganuary is the best way to start your year!

What is Veganuary?
Veganuary is a term derived from a UK based non-profit organization . The challenge involves consuming only plant-based foods during the month of January. The challenge began as a way to improve the health of people globally, lessen environmental harm and protect animals. The Veganuary challenge gained momentum in 2014 and last year over 620 000 people participated.
What are the benefits?
Ultimately, Veganuary is not solely for weight loss. It assists in developing a new relationship with food, monitoring your intake and discipline on your consumption. However, to fully reap the benefits of Veganuary, it is important to shift your mindset from what you are cutting out of your diet to all the nutrients you are packing in.
Here is a list of some of the many benefits you gain:
Decrease your risk of a heart attack and heart failure.
Lower cholesterol levels.
Keeps your blood sugar levels in check.
Reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
Improve digestion.
Weight-loss (Provided you move to plant-based whole foods and not switch to processed Vegan alternatives).
Lower your environmental footprint.
Many of these benefits can be monitored during your 31 days.
Veganuary is over… What now?
You may be feeling amazing and wish to continue the challenge to a lifestyle change. Alternatively, you can also find you are not ready to completely give up meat but may opt to do #MeatlessMondays and incorporate healthy greens and grains to your diet. Whatever your outcome may be you have proven to yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Browse through some flavor-packed Vegan recipes we have shared here!
Browse through these air fryers, blenders, juicers and food processors which will undeniably make your clean-eating shift less-stressful!